Communication Information




This year there are several different ways that we will be able to keep in contact with each other. 

1.   Newsletter - Every month I send home a newsletter containing the next month's important information.  You will find the letter of the week, homework assignments, and special events.  You will also find class, grade level, or school activities and information. 

2.  E-mail- My e-mail address is  I check my e-mail account daily.  I will read your e-mail and respond as soon as possible.  If you send me your e-mail address, I can e-mail you with any new information.  I can also send you a copy of the newsletter.  This may become our most convenient and efficient way to maintain two-way communication.  If you are interested in an electronic copy of the newsletter, please let me know. 

3.  Telephone-You can call me anytime at the school if you have any questions.  If I am unavailable, please leave a message and I’ll return your call.  West’s number is 863-494-3155. 

4.  Class Website-My class website is  The weekly sight words, homework assignments, Specials calendar, weekly events, and other crucial information can be found on this website.  I update the website weekly for your convenience.   

5.  School Website-I try my best to keep your child’s grades current.  You can check his/her grades any time on the school’s website.  Just type in  When the site pulls up, click on Check Grades.   Type in your child’s six digit student id number (lunch #).  The pin code is your child’s birthday.  For example, if your child’s birthday is January 11, 2000, you would type 011100.